Učenici 7. b razreda s razrednicom i učiteljicom Engleskog jezika, Anom Polombito Karamatić, uključili su se u eTwinning projekt “Hear My Voice”. Tema projekta je promocija i učenje o dječjim pravima. Projekt započinje u veljači, a trajat će do kraja svibnja. Osim...
Dear all, Easter holidays are starting soon, and if you like travelling and you still haven’t decided where to spend the Easter break here are some excellent suggestions created by Year 8 students. Happy Easter and have a safe trip! Bali – Anja Milunović Bora...
Dear all, Year 6 students started learning how to express past events. So, they remembered a person who was very important to them, their first teacher. Here are two best works written on the topic My First Teacher! AUTOR: Ana Polombito...
Dear all, During the month of October, Year 8 students discussed the topic of bullying. They talked about different types of bullying, about the victims, and different ways how to help them. They also shared their opinions on bullies and passive bystanders. In order...
Dear all, Let’s start the new school year with some positive thoughts! Year 6 students want to share their mottoes that help them think positively! Look what Kate Turić, Josip Pejković, Karla Bagarić, Lucija Šiško, and Barbara Bokšić have for you! AUTOR: Ana Polombito...
Dear all, The month of May was an eco-month. We learnt a lot about different environmental problems, renewable and non- renewable energy sources and what we can do to become eco-friendlier. All the students gave speeches on the topic How Green Am I? accompanied by...